Creative Pursuits Supreme At Desizn Conclave 2015
Design and creativity, often 2 sides of the same coin, typically has early signals of development, when it comes to talent in the arena. Goes without saying, it needs a good deal of support to prosper and be groomed for eventual success. That's perfectly what Desizn Conclave 2015, being held at the Alliance Francaise, Delhi fits into as an event. Sumit Saurabh the organizer, is looking to use it as a forum to give young talent and aspirants, to showcase their work to the public. Without having a fee involved, the idea of Desizn Conclave is to let the young talent know, what it is like to get real time feedback from the public, and get used to the idea of events to showcase creative work. What is really noble about the event is, it does not bring in any income for Sumit, who also happens to be a successful entrepreneur, but is a part of his generosity to support talent in the field of design.