New Age Home Styling- The 'Zen' Way Of Doing It

The design heavy palaces and mansions of Europe to one side, and the modern minimalism of the east to another. Should such a line be ever possible to be drawn to differentiate the elements of these designs from the 2 corners of the world, one might recall the later to be hovering around the theme of Zen, a derivative of the Zen Buddhism and its thought process. Personally looking, its about a sense of calmness and modern minimalism which brings about a greater essence of aesthetics to the living space and greenery, and that's what the aim of this piece looks to be.

Some underlining pointers (for interiors)

Nature's fabrics    

When dealing with a zen theme of home decor, one has to keep in mind the its core philosophy, which then seeps into the various elements of the design cues. This means use of natural fabrication such as wood, stone, earthen utensils, paper lanterns, and anything which touches upon the minimalism that the theme is known for. 

The earthy color tones

 More of an extension of what we said previously, even the coloring scheme of the place has to be earthy in its tonal quality. The Loud and bright are to be kept to a bare minimum, and faded tones are to given priority.

Clutter free surfaces

 Since Zen philosophy is about clarity, the interior space which is supposed to draw its inspiration from the that line of thought needs to be on the same lines; no clutter around! It is something rather tough  to do considering our messed up way of living, it remains one of the key cornerstones of the Zen home decor thought, where clarity and minimalism are the strongest elements. Those going a step further even have ensure, that some of the essential items have to be removed or placed elsewhere, to ensure that most visible surface remains clutter free. 

Live nature under the hood

 An extension of the earlier point, made about earthy stuff being included, it relates more specifically to having live elements on nature within the walls, most commonly small plants. Whether its the lucky bamboo, or a small creeper, it relates the interior space to connect with nature in a stronger essence, just inculcating the zen factor in it.

Some underlining pointers (for exteriors)

Like the interior designing quotient we spoke about, a lot of the similar pattern of thinking relates to what would form the exteriors.

Clean straight lines

Though like every other designing scheme, there are different designs which are applicable to Zen themed accommodations, but the fundamental law of clutter free lines and surfaces, apply to the home exteriors as well. Most of the pure zen themed homes have clean straight lines when it comes to wall and roofing, any designing or shaping is generally minimalistic. 

Some elements of natural fabrication

Though it isn't entirely possible in today's times, but some of the fabrication of the home exterior, is to use naturally occurring fabrication like wood and stone instead of  painted concrete surfaces alone. This again relates to the earthy factor, or the deep connection with nature with the Zen philosophy roots on. 

Having said and done everything, there is no doubt that most elements of zen are indeed meant for soul soothing exercises to keep one's environment in tune with nature's simplicity. Being the kind of city dwellers we are in recent times, getting done such a home isn't just about putting together bricks and stones. Its about being able to absorb the nature's oneness into the self, and finding peace within the surroundings' gifts, which is the aim of zen themed home. So what comes as viewpoint to maintain such a place with the above mentioned guidelines is: Holiday Homes and resorts. Residences are also possible, as we have seen here, but are we up to it? Personally speaking, I am already dreaming!

Suggested websites to pick up from

These sites are just some of the randomly picked choices. If one looks enough, there will be several more options to pick some zen theme home decor from.

Via: eHow/ Dream Home Decorating/ Ezine/ Comfortable Home Design


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